You might have come to this website for many reasons. For the moment, let's say that the primary reason is that you want to become a Pretty Good Problem Solver yourself. This is good.
The world needs a lot of pretty good problem solvers. As long as there is change, we will always need people who can solve problems. These solutions don't have to all be perfect. These people don't have to all be spectacular. They don't have to be the best. If there really were only one best problem solver, he or she would be pretty darn busy.
Some folks want to be a pretty good problem solver because they know that they are likely to be well-employed for the rest of their lives.
Some folks want to be a pretty good problem solver because they like the feeling of satisfaction that comes from conquering a tough challenge.
Some folks want to know how to nurture and care for the problem solvers who work for them. We call these people smart managers.
No matter which of these reasons you have arrived here, we welcome you. Click around, enjoy, and let me know where I might do better.
Best Regards,