With over 40 years of engineering experience, I have encountered and fixed a lot of real-life problems.
My 16th patent issued in 2014.
I have been a business owner, manager, and skill-set engineer for organizations ranging from large international corporations to small dynamic companies.
One of my passions is helping engineers solve problems faster with better results. This includes teaching managers better methods to help engineers solve problems; and when managers simply need to get out of the way.
Yes, you can hire me to work on your problems. This is probably expensive and takes a while to schedule. But you could instead hire me to teach you and your team some excellent methods to combine with your existing knowledge and methods; or you can buy copies of my book for your team and teach yourself. How do you learn best?
Personal appearances (talks, seminars, training) can be requested by email (see the Contact page). I welcome requests to tailor a presentation to specific audiences (students, recent graduates, management etc.)